Sonkit Sealing Solutions
Which type of metal seal is best for my application?



Until now, there have been so many various kinds of metal seals on the market to match different applications that new users are sometimes perplexed as to how to pick among them, and how to design a metal seal sealing solution becomes vital.

Sonkit provides the most complete set of metal seal solutions including a variety types of metal seals as below:

Metal O Ring :  the most economical choice for high load, high pressure applications, widely used for decades.

Metal C Ring one of our most popular designs, it has a low leakage rate and a high spring back.

Spring Energized Metal C-Ring :  An enhanced Metal C Ring, the inner spring can support significant load for rough surfaces and has a lower leakage rate.

Metal E Ring Provides the most spring back of any metal seal.

Metal V Ring a low-load, versatile seal that is widely used in valve applications.

- COI/COE: Metal Comma Ring  (opening adjusted to internal/external pressure). 

Before purchasing metal seals, we recommend that you evaluate your working environment by the following questions:

  • • What is the operating temperature range?
  • • What is the operating pressure range?
  • • Is the metal seal going to be subjected to vacuum or corrosive chemicals?
  • • What are the expected leakage rates?

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